9 tips to reduce spending on clothing

Impulse purchases are part of every woman's life. It's time to start saving and spending less on clothes.

We've all been through impulse buys, where we get clothes we don't need, don't fit, and don't even look the same as what we have at home. We know that sometimes it's hard to resist, but we want to help you spend less on clothes.

While it's okay to buy some clothes once in a while, it's important that those purchases are made for your use.

Of course, we all want to keep up with fashion trends. dominant, and Everyone likes to dress up and look good, but it is possible to do it without breaking the budget.

Do you want to know how to start spending less on clothes? Follow our advice and start saving.

9 ways to spend less on clothes

Discover your style

To begin with, it is very important to know what your style is, what suits you best, trends, including your body and type of work. So it's important to remember that fashion trends are fleeting. What is popular today will be the latest season tomorrow.

We hear more and more about the concept of fast fashion, so it is natural that many of us end up being influenced by this rhythm. The ideal is to find out what your style is and take it into account when buying. Avoid buying it just because it's trending, buy it only if you really like it.

Find out the best time to buy

The best time to buy is when the seasons change. Now is the time for balance and promotions, and also for fewer assortments of novelties in stores. Buy the parts that you are really missing and take advantage of the discounts offered by the brands.

Don't be tempted by promotions

Although it is actually the best time to make a good purchase, in high season we should not be tempted by promotions. Many of us feel like we have to buy something during our balance, even if it's an item we won't even take off the tag. Don't be tempted to spend money with or without promotion.

Buy only what you need

Before you go shopping, make a list of what's in your closet and what you really need. So when it hits the stores, it will be easier to resist the rest. Ask yourself: "Am I buying something because I need or want to follow a trend? Do I have something like that?" Remember tip number 1!

Keep it original and creative

When you fully know your style, it's easy to innovate with pieces you already have. You can accessorize an old denim trench coat and turn the jeans into a pair of shorts. Enjoy creating your own pieces thinking about your taste and style, the idea is to be inspired by fashion and trends to create your look and redesign the clothes in your home.

Shop and compare prices

If you need a specific piece - wedding dresses or party shoes, check the options before buying. Doing so is even easier with the brand's online store. Visit the website of your favorite brand and find the parts you need. If you have small children, we recommend that you check the Vertbaudet website. Then compare prices and look for deals.


Before you go to the mall to spend your savings, analyze your accounts and find out how much you can really spend. It is much easier to save if you go to the store with a fixed budget. You can even create an excel or any other way to mark what you will spend in a month.

Shop with cash

When shopping, choose to have the exact amount you want to spend with you instead of using the card. This will make it easier for you to stick to your planned budget and resist impulse purchases.

blogs and fashion sites

If you can't resist a trend or novelty, avoid blogs, instagram and fashion sites. "Out of sight, out of mind", right? Delete apps on your phone or tablet if necessary, and delete blogs you follow on Instagram or Facebook. You will find that you can spend less money on clothes.