How to buy diamonds?

The market is full of sites online selling diamonds at various prices, and sometimes you can feel overwhelmed to find one that fits your budget without getting ripped off. There is another way to get into a trusted jewelry store near you to buy diamonds, but the process takes time and has limited variation. This guide is for anyone looking to buy loose diamonds on their own or a solitaire for a ring or any other piece of jewelry.

Determining the Shape of a Diamond: The 4Cs:

Once you have established your budget, the next things to consider are the shape, cut style, and diamond cut quality. The shape describes the outline of the diamond seen from above. The most popular diamond shape is the round shape, but there are other shapes available on the market, including marquise, pear, oval, rectangular, square, and heart. There are also white and colored crystalline diamonds available in the market.

The 4Cs refer to: color, cut, clarity, and carat weight. The 4Cs are a global standard for evaluating diamond quality.

In summary, the 4Cs are:

Color: a range of colors from D to Z. D is the whitest, as we go from D to Z, the whiteness decreases. Color grades below D are very rare.

Cut: The cut of a diamond determines the amount of light it emits, making it sparkle

Clarity: A diamond's clarity is the absence of inclusions and blemishes. Usually these inclusions are invisible to the naked eye.

Carat Weight: The carat weight of a diamond determines its apparent size.

Once you understand the term, it will help you figure out the most important "C" you're looking for. You can prioritize them and narrow your search to find a diamond that will thrill your love! This will also increase your confidence to search, chat and filter your searches.

Comparing Similar Diamonds:

Once you have set your budget and narrowed down your diamond specifications, it is always a good idea to compare diamonds of similar stones that you will be purchasing. You need to consider different aspects, prices, reviews, etc. This will help to better understand the factors that drive the price differences of similar diamonds.

Choosing the Right Jeweler:

If you plan to buy a diamond from a jewelry store and have decided on your budget, size, shape, etc., the next step is to choose the right jeweler. Buying jewelry is not the same as buying new clothes because jewelry is expensive and you need to take all necessary steps to pay for the value of the jewelry.


It's always a good idea to research your credibility with local organizations. Be sure to look at certifications from various gemological organizations, and it would be great if they provided customer references.

Certificate of Validation -

The most trusted laboratory in the industry is GIA, IGI Human Resource Development. These are reliable when it comes to checking the specifications of the diamond. If you are purchasing a diamond, we strongly recommend that you ensure that the diamond comes with these certificates. Possession of one of these certificates proves that the diamond you received was in fact the diamond that the supplier sold you.